
Zukunftsstadt Rothneusiedl: Klimaschutz, Kreislaufwirtschaft und Bürgerbeteiligung im Fokus

In Rothneusiedl, a district in Vienna’s 10th municipal district, a pioneer neighborhood is being created that sets the standard for climate protection, climate change adaptation, and circular economy. To achieve the set goals, the principles of the "New European Bauhaus" are being applied in the development process of Rothneusiedl and will be accompanied by the research project "NEB-RothNEUsiedl" for one year.

Rothneusiedl will cover an area of ​​124 hectares and will become a pioneering district for climate protection, with numerous green spaces, urban agriculture, housing for 21,000 people, and 8,000 jobs. The focus of the planning is on alternative energy supply and circular economy. The development of an urban development vision for the new district is planned by summer 2025. Future residents and companies will have the opportunity to actively participate in the design and will be invited to engage in intensive dialogue with municipal authorities, planners, and experts.

"The city of Vienna is once again demonstrating here in Rothneusiedl what requirements will be placed on future living. One of the central questions is how can we live and reside in a climate-friendly manner in the future? It is important to involve all Viennese residents. Only through acceptance and active participation of the people in our city will it be possible to live in a climate-friendly city of the future," emphasized Deputy Mayor and Housing Councilor Kathrin Gaál. "The question of a climate-friendly future must not become a social issue, where personal quality of life depends solely on individual income. Vienna has always stood as a showcase city for affordable housing with the highest possible quality of life thanks to its internationally renowned Viennese housing model. Accordingly, the expansion of social housing is a key to a climate-friendly future for all Viennese residents."

Kurze Werbeeinblendung

"In Rothneusiedl, we are developing a climate-resilient city district of the future. Alongside affordable and climate-friendly housing, the planning of generous green spaces and open areas plays a crucial role. In combination with the extension of the U1 subway line, a well-connected and sustainable district is being created here, offering a high quality of life for everyone who will live and work here in the future," said Councilor for Urban Planning Ulli Sima.

The participatory process in RothNEUsiedl is now also supported by the "New European Bauhaus" (NEB) initiative of the EU Commission. Its goal is to change the way buildings and entire urban quarters are built and renovated in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2040. Research, innovation, and culture play a crucial role in this regard. The three principles of the "New European Bauhaus" are being applied in the development process of RothNEUsiedl:

  • Sustainability: Measures to achieve climate goals, promotion of climate change adaptation, circular economy, and biodiversity.
  • Aesthetics: Quality of experience and style beyond functionality.
  • Inclusion: Participation of all stakeholders, ensuring accessibility and affordability.

The entire development process is being scientifically accompanied by the research project "NEB-RothNEUsiedl," which will run from August 1, 2024, to January 31, 2026, and is funded within the framework of the FFG research program "FIT4NEB – Preparation for the planned EU mission New European Bauhaus." The consortium is led by WWEG Wohnfonds-Wiener Stadtwerke Entwicklungs GmbH and consists of Raumposition OG, MOURA. Mobility and Space, TU Wien future.lab, Climate Lab of Vienna’s district planning department MA 21A.

Kurze Werbeeinblendung

To promote vibrant architectural culture in RothNEUsiedl and acceptance of climate-friendly coexistence, a variety of dialogue and participatory formats will be used in the project, including an NEB forum, expert interviews, thematic workshops, and interface meetings. The "Stadtraum" (City Space), located in the Zukunftshof (Future Court) in Rothneusiedl, will become the central place for architectural culture. The existing citizen network "Zukunftsteam" (Future Team) will also be involved in the development process as part of the research project. The Quality Advisory Board, which ensures the aesthetically valuable built space and therefore the entire new district, is also an actor in the NEB-RothNEUsiedl project.

The current largest urban development area (124 ha) in Vienna was deliberately submitted for this FFG research program. This emphasizes the conviction that architectural culture is, more than ever, a central building block for contemporary and climate-friendly urban development.

The research project aims to initiate a broad discussion on new construction methods, processes, and resulting design possibilities. The goal is to create new forms of cooperation and networks that strengthen the business location and expand competencies in sustainable construction in the city (and beyond). By strongly committing to the New European Bauhaus, the city aims to strengthen the national and international implementation of the initiative.

About WWEG:
The Wohnfonds-Wiener Stadtwerke Entwicklungs GmbH is a company of wohnfonds_wien and the Wiener Stadtwerke Group and was founded in 2023. WWEG is responsible for the development of the Rothneusiedl project area. One of the goals is to develop a model district for climate protection and adaptation and to carry out the project development in accordance with these framework conditions in terms of environmental protection. More information can be found at source.

About the New European Bauhaus initiative:
The "New European Bauhaus" initiative connects the European Green Deal with our daily life and living spaces. It calls on all Europeans to jointly build a sustainable, aesthetic, and inclusive future. The New European Bauhaus follows the key values of sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusion. More information can be found here.

In einem Artikel von zu sehen, wurde in Rothneusiedl im 10. Wiener Gemeindebezirk ein Forschungsprojekt gestartet, das den Pionierstadtteil für Klimaschutz, Klimawandelanpassung und Kreislaufwirtschaft weiterentwickeln soll. Die Stadt Wien setzt dabei die Prinzipien des Neuen Europäischen Bauhaus ein, um die gesteckten Ziele zu erreichen. Das Forschungsprojekt "NEB-RothNEUsiedl" wird den Leitbildprozess von Rothneusiedl ein Jahr lang begleiten und durch wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse unterstützen.

Der Stadtteil Rothneusiedl soll auf einer Fläche von 124 Hektar entstehen und neben zahlreichen Grünflächen und Freiräumen auch Wohnraum für 21.000 Menschen und 8.000 Arbeitsplätze bieten. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf alternative Energieversorgung und kreislaufwirtschaftliche Gesichtspunkte gelegt. Bis zum Sommer 2025 ist der Abschluss eines städtebaulichen Leitbilds für den neuen Stadtteil geplant, bei dem die zukünftigen Bewohner und Unternehmen aktiv eingebunden werden.

Das Forschungsprojekt "NEB-RothNEUsiedl" wird durch die Initiative "Neues Europäisches Bauhaus" der EU-Kommission unterstützt. Diese Initiative zielt darauf ab, die Art und Weise zu verändern, wie Gebäude und ganze Stadtviertel im Sinne der Klimaneutralität bis 2040 gebaut und renoviert werden. Die drei Prinzipien des Neuen Europäischen Bauhaus – Nachhaltigkeit, Ästhetik und Inklusion – werden im Leitbildprozess von RothNEUsiedl konkret angewendet.

Um eine breite Diskussion über neue Bauweisen und gestalterische Möglichkeiten zu ermöglichen, werden im Rahmen des Projekts auch verschiedene Dialog- und Partizipationsformate eingesetzt. Neben einem NEB-Forum und Experteninterviews werden Themenworkshops und Schnittstellen-Meetings stattfinden. Damit soll eine lebendige Baukultur gefördert und die Akzeptanz für klimagerechtes Zusammenleben gestärkt werden.

Das Forschungsprojekt "NEB-RothNEUsiedl" wird von der WWEG Wohnfonds-Wiener Stadtwerke Entwicklungs GmbH geleitet und läuft von August 2024 bis Januar 2026. Es wird im Rahmen des FFG-Forschungsprogramms "FIT4NEB – Vorbereitung auf die geplante EU-Mission Neues Europäisches Bauhaus" gefördert. Ziel des Projekts ist es, neue Kooperationsformen und Netzwerke zu schaffen, die den Wirtschaftsstandort stärken und Kompetenzen im nachhaltigen Bauen erweitern.

Das Bauvorhaben in Rothneusiedl soll zeigen, wie klimagerechtes Wohnen und Leben funktioniert. Durch innovative Bauweisen, nachhaltige Materialien und Verfahren sowie eine hohe gestalterische Qualität soll ein zukunftsfähiges Stadtviertel entstehen. Die Stadt Wien setzt sich mit dem Projekt für eine nationale und internationale Umsetzung der Initiative "Neues Europäisches Bauhaus" ein.

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