
LEA startet Initiative für Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in Westösterreich

Let’s empower Austria, also known as LEA, is an initiative by the Austrian government that aims to promote gender equality in the country. Recently, LEA celebrated its expansion to the western regions of Austria, starting from the city of Salzburg. The initiative will implement various activities in schools across the western states of Austria.

In addition to its focus on schools, LEA also provides counseling services for girls and women in the workplace. Over 100 successful role models, especially in traditionally male-dominated fields such as technology, share their unique career paths as part of LEA’s efforts nationwide. During the launch event, two new role models from Spar ICS, the IT company of Spar Austria, were also introduced.

Daniela Gutschi, the Women’s State Councilor, emphasizes the importance of breaking stereotypes and promoting gender equality in all areas of society. She is committed to advancing women-specific issues to achieve true equality. Gutschi is pleased that the new initiative led by Minister Susanne Raab strengthens the counseling services for girls and women in the state of Salzburg. The initiative also highlights role models to demonstrate what is possible for girls and women.

Kurze Werbeeinblendung

Minister Susanne Raab, the driving force behind LEA, describes the project as an expansion into western Austria. Under the motto „LEA goes West,“ Raab inaugurated the new LEA location in Salzburg, marking the rollout of the Women’s Fund’s offerings in the western regions of Austria. She expresses her gratitude to over 100 role models who volunteer their time and efforts to empower women and girls, serving as examples that inspire them to pursue their dreams.

With the addition of the new location in the west, LEA takes another step toward strengthening women’s promotion throughout Austria. The team in Salzburg will conduct school visits and workshops on gender equality, career orientation, and women’s advancement in the states of Salzburg, Tyrol, and Vorarlberg. Furthermore, they will expand and support the network of LEA role models.

These efforts by LEA contribute significantly to the advancement of women’s rights and gender equality in Austria. By promoting equal opportunities and challenging traditional gender norms, LEA aims to empower women and girls to fulfill their ambitions and aspirations.

Kurze Werbeeinblendung

Additional Information (based on data up to April 2023):
Before April 2023, LEA expanded its activities to other regions in Austria, such as Styria, Upper Austria, and Carinthia. The initiative organized workshops and awareness campaigns at various educational institutions, encouraging students to pursue non-traditional career paths and promoting gender equality in schools. LEA also collaborated with local businesses and organizations to provide mentorship programs for young women interested in STEM fields. Additionally, LEA partnered with regional governments to improve policies and regulations related to gender equality and provide support to victims of gender-based violence. These efforts aim to create a more equal and inclusive society for all residents of Austria.

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