
Homosexualität und Kirche: Spannungen in katholischer Hierarchie und weltweit

„Sündige Liebe?“: „kreuz und quer“ – New production about homosexuality and the church

On February 27, 2024, ORF 2 will broadcast the „kreuz und quer“ new production „Sündige Liebe? – Homosexualität und Kirche“ (Sinful Love? – Homosexuality and the Church) by Peter Beringer. The documentary sheds light on the deep-rooted homophobia within society and the Catholic hierarchy, both in Europe and the USA. The Catholic catechism states that homosexuality is sinful, and many theologians believe that changing this doctrine is unlikely. The film aims to explore the topic of homosexuality in the church in light of these challenges.

The production highlights the fact that homosexuality is still a criminal offense in over 60 countries, with a death penalty in some. The Catholic Church’s stance on homosexuality is being called into question, especially in light of recent statements by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome and Pope Francis himself. The film explores the reactions to these statements, with some viewing them as a much-needed liberalization, while others consider them a scandalous departure from traditional beliefs.

Kurze Werbeeinblendung

The documentary brings together interviews with pastors, affected couples, and theologians to analyze the tensions within the Catholic Church on this issue. It also examines the practices within the church in relation to same-sex couples, revealing that in practice, the official teachings of the church are often not followed. Homosexual couples are blessed and actively participate in church life, although for some, the hurt caused by the language and lack of recognition of same-sex relationships is irreparable. The film also highlights the rejection of scientific knowledge on sexuality, partnership, and love within the church. This reflects a long history of taboos and condemnation of homosexuality by the Christian doctrine, which cannot be easily erased.

Following „Sündige Liebe?“, ORF 2 will air the documentary „Die Erfindung der Liebe“ (The Invention of Love) by Stefan Ludwig. This film delves into the history of marriage and love, exploring different religious and culturally determined forms of relationships throughout history.

To provide a comprehensive overview of the topic, the following table provides an overview of the countries where homosexuality is criminalized and the penalties imposed.

Kurze Werbeeinblendung https://hempy-futter.com/
Country Criminalized? Penalty
Afghanistan Yes Death
Iran Yes Death
Nigeria Yes Death
Saudi Arabia Yes Death
United Arab Emirates Yes Death

The produced films offer an important insight into the complex relationship between homosexuality and the church, shedding light on the struggles within the Catholic Church, the ongoing fight for acceptance, and the historical context in which these challenges arise.

Quelle: ORF / ots


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