
AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG: Europaweite Veröffentlichung gemäß Artikel 135 Absatz 2 BörseG

AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG has made a release according to Article 135, Section 2 BörseG, with the objective of Europe-wide distribution. The voting rights announcement was transmitted by EQS News, a service provided by EQS Group AG. The announcement states that AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG is the issuer and takes sole responsibility for the content.

In the release, it is indicated that The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., based in Wilmington, DE, United States of America (USA), is a person subject to the notification obligation. The reason for the notification is the acquisition or disposal of financial/other instruments. The threshold for the acquisition or disposal of these instruments was crossed or reached on June 28, 2024.

The resulting situation on the date the threshold was crossed or reached is as follows: The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. holds 0.04% of voting rights directly attached to shares, representing 13,711 votes. They also hold 2.44% of voting rights through securities lending, which amounts to 947,677 votes, and 1.53% of voting rights through swaps, equating to 593,326 votes. In total, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. holds 4.00% of voting rights, which corresponds to 38,850,000 voting rights of the issuer.

These holdings are part of a chain of controlled undertakings, starting with The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. as the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entity. The chain includes Goldman Sachs (UK) L.L.C., Goldman Sachs Group UK Limited, Goldman Sachs International, Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, GSAM Holdings LLC Goldman Sachs Asset Management, Goldman Sachs Bank USA, and Goldman Sachs Bank Europe SE. The total percentage of shares held directly and through financial/other instruments in this chain is 2.19%.

The release encourages compliance with major holdings notification rules and highlights the possibility of voting rights suspension in case of violations.

This information is based on the EQS voting rights announcement and is in accordance with Article 130 to 134 BörseG 2018.

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