
US-Experte: Keine politischen Sanktionen für Österreich bei FPÖ-Regierung

US-Sanktionen gegen FPÖ-Regierung unwahrscheinlich: Experte äußert Bedenken und warnt vor möglichen Konsequenzen

Austrian Experts Welcome New Political Landscape

In an insightful conversation with Peter Rough, the European director of the Hudson Institute, a prominent US think tank, the potential future of Austria under an FPÖ-led government was discussed. It was highlighted that the United States is likely to adopt a pragmatic approach towards political dealings with Austria, even in the event of the Freedom Party (FPÖ) taking the helm. The changing political landscape in Europe, characterized by leaders such as Robert Fico, Viktor Orbán, Giorgia Meloni, and potential French President Marine Le Pen, suggests that Austria would not be isolated under an FPÖ government.

Shifts in International Relations

Rough emphasized the shift in US policy towards Austria, alluding to a different era compared to the late 1990s when the State Department aligned with EU sanctions against the first black-blue federal government. However, concerns were raised about potential information flow towards Russia under an FPÖ-led administration, as Washington would not hesitate to act if perceived as detrimental to its interests.

Furthermore, the US seems more preoccupied with the controversial Russian dealings of Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) rather than Russian espionage activities within Austria. This indicates a nuanced focus on economic implications rather than solely security concerns within US-Austria relations.

Challenges on the International Stage

Despite Austria not being considered a prominent NATO member due to its geographical proximity to NATO states, Rough mentioned the importance of European nations strengthening their defense capabilities, especially in light of potential vulnerabilities in the European security architecture.


Rough's critical assessment extended to US President Joe Biden's approach to European defense, citing the need for a renewed European commitment to bolstering their military capabilities. Additionally, concerns were raised about the implications of a potential resurgence of former US President Donald Trump on European defense policy.

Future Outlook

Rough's insights shed light on the intricate dynamics of international relations, emphasizing the need for Europe to invest in its defense capabilities and assert its strengths on the global stage. The evolving political landscape in Europe, as highlighted by Rough, underscores the significance of strategic partnerships and collaborations to navigate the complex challenges of the modern geopolitical arena.

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