
ÖVP-Karner und Stocker scheitern in Asyl- und Migrationspolitik – FPÖ hatte immer Recht!

FPÖ – Amesbauer: „ÖVP-Karner and Stocker present their own complete failure in asylum and migration policy!“

In this press release, FPÖ security spokesman NAbg. Hannes Amesbauer criticizes the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) for their failure in implementing effective asylum and migration policies. He points out the high number of asylum seekers in Austria since 2020, totaling over 225,000, and accuses the ÖVP of not taking the issue seriously. Amesbauer also criticizes ÖVP politicians for making false statements about asylum numbers under former Interior Minister Herbert Kickl and for changing their stance on migration policies.

Amesbauer argues that the ÖVP’s press conference is an attempt to correct their recent communication blunders. He highlights the lack of credibility of the ÖVP and criticizes the fact that the party does not know when and how to implement their proposed measures. He suggests that if the ÖVP had started implementing the FPÖ’s concept of a „fortress Austria“ during the period when there was no coalition government, many of these measures could already be in place. Amesbauer also points out that some of the ÖVP’s proposed measures, such as the deattractiveness of Austria as an asylum destination, have been taken directly from the FPÖ’s proposals.

Kurze Werbeeinblendung

Amesbauer concludes by stating that the necessary paradigm shift in asylum and migration policy can only be achieved with a FPÖ-led government and Chancellor Herbert Kickl. He accuses the ÖVP of manipulating asylum statistics to hide their own failure and to undermine Kickl’s successful work as the former Interior Minister.

In conclusion, the press release highlights the FPÖ’s criticism of the ÖVP’s handling of asylum and migration policies, emphasizing the high number of asylum seekers in Austria and accusing the ÖVP of lacking credibility and failing to implement effective measures. The release suggests that only a FPÖ-led government under Chancellor Herbert Kickl can bring about the necessary changes in policy.

Quelle: Freiheitlicher Parlamentsklub – FPÖ / ots

Kurze Werbeeinblendung

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