
Österreichs Inflation: FPÖ attackiert ÖVP und Grüne als Teuerungstreiber – Kassegger fordert Maßnahmen zur Armutsbekämpfung

Inflation continues to be a source of concern for many Austrians, with the rising cost of living impacting their daily lives. Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs (FPÖ) spokesperson, NAbg. Axel Kassegger, has criticized the jubilant attitude displayed by ÖVP ministers Kocher and Brunner regarding inflation measures implemented by the government. Kassegger argues that such statements are a mockery of those who can no longer afford their basic needs.

Kassegger highlights that a quarter of the working population is now using their vacation pay to cover everyday expenses due to the impact of inflation. He further points out that Austria's inflation rate remains higher than Italy (0.9 percent), Germany (2.2 percent), and France (2.4 percent), as well as exceeding the average Eurozone rate. Kassegger questions the reality in which these ÖVP ministers live, stating that the ÖVP and Grüne have been driving up prices for years at the expense of the population.

The FPÖ spokesperson also mentions recent predictions by economic experts that Austria's economy will not grow this year, following a recession in 2023. Furthermore, according to a current Wifo calculation, inflation in Austria is not expected to reach the European Central Bank's target of two percent until mid-2026. Kassegger predicts that unemployment will continue to rise, and the situation in the construction and industrial sectors will deteriorate further due to the government's energy policies. He criticizes the Schwarz-grüne Planwirtschaft (Black-Green planned economy) and the distribution of billions of euros without creating new jobs.

Kassegger emphasizes that despite being employed full-time, more and more people in Austria are struggling to make ends meet. The FPÖ has repeatedly presented efficient measures to combat high costs, address inflation sustainably, and alleviate poverty. These measures include lowering taxes on essential consumer goods such as basic food items, fuel, and energy, as well as proposals to strengthen the Austrian economy.


It is evident that inflation remains a pressing issue in Austria, impacting the daily lives of many citizens. The FPÖ has criticized the ÖVP and Grüne for their alleged role in driving up prices. They argue that the government's economic policies have not been effective in curbing inflation and reducing the financial burden on the population. With economic experts predicting a lack of growth in the coming year and a prolonged inflation timeline, the situation is likely to worsen for individuals already struggling to cope with rising costs. The FPÖ calls for efficient measures to combat inflation, alleviate poverty, and strengthen the Austrian economy.

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