
Die heimliche Kluft: Österreichische Frauen leben auf Kosten anderer – Interview mit Ökonomin Katharina Mader

Österreicherinnen leben nur scheinbar gleichgestellt - In Wahrheit leben sie auf Kosten anderer Frauen!

In modern Austria, the idea of gender equality often clashes with the reality of unequal distribution of unpaid care work, primarily falling on women. The traditional division of tasks, where women take care of chores like cleaning, cooking, and child-rearing without pay, persists despite advancements in the workforce. The burden of unpaid work results in women having to juggle between paid employment and care responsibilities while men’s lifestyles remain relatively unaffected.

The notion of equality in relationships becomes questionable when care tasks are outsourced to other women for pay. While some women can pursue careers and engage in self-care due to the support of hired help, the underlying issue of unequal distribution of unpaid work remains. The economist Katharina Mader emphasizes the importance of not only focusing on the labor market but also addressing unpaid care work to achieve true equality.

Political solutions advocating for full-time employment for women and expanding childcare facilities are crucial steps, but they alone fall short of achieving gender equality. Mader suggests incorporating mandatory parental leave for partners, implementing widespread working hour reductions, and increasing awareness to tackle the root causes of unequal care work distribution.

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Women predominantly perform caregiving duties while men enjoy leisure time, highlighting the need for a comprehensive reduction in working hours. However, historical examples like France’s 35-hour workweek reveal that mere reductions in working hours do not automatically translate to a fairer distribution of unpaid care work between genders.

Different perspectives emerge on the role of the government versus private responsibility in addressing gender disparities. While liberal views advocate for more private-sector involvement, government intervention remains vital in ensuring proper compensation for unpaid work and creating an equitable framework to share care responsibilities.

Efforts to incentivize parental leave and reduce working hours for a more balanced distribution of care tasks face economic and social challenges. Achieving true gender equality requires structural changes that go beyond individual actions and address societal norms and expectations.

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Unpaid work holds intrinsic value for society and the economy, underscoring the need for fair compensation and supportive conditions. The intricate dynamics of care work distribution within relationships and families call for a holistic approach that reshapes traditional gender roles and fosters an environment of equality and shared responsibilities in care tasks.

By acknowledging the vital role of unpaid work and striving for more equitable divisions of labor, society can progress towards a more balanced and inclusive future where individuals are valued not only for their paid contributions but also for their unrecognized efforts in sustaining communities and households.

Quelle: www.wienerzeitung.at

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