
Neues Hochwasserschutzprojekt in Götzis: Örflaschlucht sicher vor 100-jährlichem Hochwasser

Hochwasserschutz-Projekt in der Örflaschlucht Götzis: Einblick in die geplanten Maßnahmen und Investitionen

In Götzis, a small town in Vorarlberg, a significant project has been underway for the past year to protect the community from potential flooding. This initiative comes in response to the dangerous floods that occurred in 2005, highlighting the vulnerability of the Emmebach river. The existing flood protection measures were deemed insufficient to handle the volume of water expected during a 100-year flood event.

The new Örfla retention basin, with a capacity of approximately 50,000 cubic meters, aims to shield Götzis from such extreme flooding events in the future. The basin’s purpose is to collect excess water and release it in a controlled manner, effectively regulating the water levels of the Emmebach river and reducing the risk of flooding.

Preventing Debris Accumulation with a Wildwood Rack System

As part of the flood protection measures, a wildwood rack system has been constructed to prevent debris from clogging the natural dam’s drainage and causing overflow. Situated behind the waterfall in the Örflaschlucht gorge, this system plays a crucial role in maintaining the functionality of the flood defenses.

Kurze Werbeeinblendung

Construction Work and Path Closures

During the construction phase, certain sections of the Örfla circular path will be temporarily closed for several weeks. However, access to the waterfall area will remain open, and the Ballittaweg pathway will not be affected by the construction activities.

Investment of Ten Million Euros

The implementation of these flood protection projects involves collaboration between the Vorarlberg State Government and the Wildbach- and Lawinenverbauung organization. The anticipated completion date for the entire project is 2027, with a total investment of around ten million euros. The local municipality covers approximately 15% of the costs, while the remainder is shared almost equally between the regional and federal governments.

New Devotional Site in the Works

Alongside the construction endeavors, plans are underway to establish a new devotional site near the Örflaschlucht gorge. The previous wayside shrine at the entrance to the gorge had to be dismantled to avoid destruction in case of a full reservoir. The religious artifacts from the shrine are being safeguarded by the Götzis parish during this period.

Kurze Werbeeinblendung https://hempy-futter.com/

The Örflaschlucht gorge, cherished as a natural jewel and popular excursion spot in Götzis, boasts a unique landscape shaped by the Emmebach river over time. The ongoing efforts to fortify the town against flooding demonstrate a proactive approach to safeguarding the community and its natural heritage.

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