Today is the 12th December 2024
Source 1 (): Resolutionen der UNO-Vollversammlung sind nicht bindend, haben aber politische Symbolkraft. Im vergangenen Jahr verabschiedete das Gremium bereits zweimal ähnliche Resolutionen, diesmal ist die Sprache des Papiers jedoch deutlicher und die Forderung vehementer formuliert.
Zudem verabschiedete die Vollversammlung nun eine Resolution, die das Mandat des zuletzt umstrittenen UNO-Palästinenserhilfswerks UNRWA unterstützt. 159 Länder stimmten dafür, neun dagegen, elf enthielten sich, darunter auch Österreich. Beide Resolutionen bekamen somit die notwendigen Zweidrittelmehrheiten.
Österreich stimmte für Waffenruhe
In einer Aussendung des österreichischen Außenministeriums zur Abstimmung in der UNO-Vollversammlung hieß es: Israelis sind traumatisiert vom 7. Oktober 2023. 100 Geiseln, darunter ein österreichischer Familienvater, werden noch immer von Hamas-Terroristen festgehalten. Auf der anderen Seite hätten zehntausende Palästinenser ihr Leben verloren . Die humanitäre Lage in Gaza sei katastrophal . Damit dieses Leiden ein Ende habe, wird in der Resolution ein dringender Waffenstillstand gefordert; damit die Geiseln endlich freikommen und mehr humanitäre Hilfe die Zivilbevölkerung in Gaza erreicht. Die Befreiung aller Geiseln und der ungehinderte humanitäre Zugang seien seit vielen Monaten österreichische Kernforderungen.
Enthaltung Österreichs bei UNRWA-Resolution
Zur Resolution bezüglich des UNO-Palästinenserhilfswerks UNRWA hielt das Außenministerium fest, Österreich habe seit dem 7. Oktober 2023 53 Millionen Euro an humanitärer Hilfe für die Zivilbevölkerung in Gaza und der vom Konflikt schwer gebeutelten Region bereitgestellt. UNRWA sei in der jetzigen Situation in Gaza das logistische Rückgrat der gesamten humanitären Hilfe . Mit der Annahme der Gesetzesentwürfe in der Knesset werde die Arbeit von UNRWA de facto lahmgelegt . Kurzfristig gebe es keine Alternative zur Arbeit von UNRWA. Wir erwarten dringend einen glaubwürdigen und realistischen Plan Israels, wie besonders die humanitäre Hilfe in Gaza sichergestellt werden kann.
Österreich habe das seinen israelischen Partnern gegenüber auch unmissverständlich klargemacht, zuletzt beim Treffen von Außenminister Alexander Schallenberg (ÖVP) mit seinem israelischen Amtskollegen Gideon Saar Anfang Dezember. Gleichzeitig stehe aber außer Frage, dass nach den Berichten über Verwicklungen von UNRWA-Mitarbeitern in den Terrorangriff der Hamas sehr viel Vertrauen und Glaubwürdigkeit zerstört worden sei. Es liege noch viel Arbeit vor UNRWA, wenn es darum geht, den eingeschlagenen Reformpfad fortzusetzen. Daher habe sich Österreich bei der Abstimmung enthalten.
Source 2 (): The General Assembly today demanded an immediate, unconditional and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, reiterated its demand for the immediate release of all hostages and demanded that Israel allow the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to proceed with its aid operations without restriction in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.Resuming its tenth emergency special session (for background, see Press Release GA/12663), the 193-member body continued its consideration of “Illegal Israeli actions in occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory”, adopting by a recorded vote two resolutions on the matter.By terms of the first text, titled “Demand for ceasefire in Gaza” (document A/ES-10/L.33), adopted with 158 votes in favour to 9 against (Argentina, Czechia, Hungary, Israel, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Tonga, United States), with 13 abstentions, the Assembly demanded immediate access by the civilian population in the Gaza Strip to basic humanitarian aid. Underscoring that UNRWA remains the backbone of the humanitarian response in Gaza, the Assembly rejected actions that undermine the Agency’s mandate. The Assembly also reiterated its commitment to the vision of a two-State solution, with Gaza part of the Palestinian State, and where two democratic States, Palestine and Israel, live side by side in peace.The Assembly also adopted a text titled “Support for the mandate of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East” (document A/ES-10/L.32) — with 159 votes in favour to 9 against (Argentina, Israel, Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Tonga, United States), with 11 abstentions — calling on the Israeli Government to abide by its international obligations. At a time of heightened conflict and instability in the Middle East, the Agency continues to play an indispensable role in alleviating the plight for over 6 million Palestine refugees, it stressed, urging immediate efforts to address the agency’s financial and operational crises.Disappointment over Security Council’s Deadlock and Repeated Failure to End Atrocities in GazaPrior to the votes, speakers such as the Deputy Foreign Minister of Vietnam expressed disappointment at the Security Council’s failure to fulfil its primary responsibility to maintain international peace and security, as the use of the veto continues to obstruct any action. He urged the Council to overcome the current deadlock and bring about decisive and comprehensive action to address the multifaceted crisis in Gaza and the broader Middle East.Zimbabwe’s delegate said the vetoed Council draft resolution last month “would have laid the foundation” for addressing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.Colombia’s speaker said that the Council is stagnant on a decision that would “make the difference between life and death, between reason and atrocities”. “We must abolish the veto because the veto is a colonial and anti-democratic mechanism which stymies the legitimacy and effectiveness of the Security Council,” he stressed.Scrutiny over Use of Veto in Undermining Multilateralism The need for scrutiny over veto use was echoed among many other speakers, as delegates such as that of Saudi Arabia underscored its role in undermining multilateralism and placing “the legitimacy and credibility of the world order at stake”. The veto has been used to prevent any real, substantial action on Gaza more than once over the last 14 months.“While a veto may halt a resolution, it cannot silence the truth or diminish the urgency of justice,” said Türkiye’s representative as she pointed out that history will remember those who fail to act and those who “stood on the side of peace”.The representative of the Russian Federation — one of five permanent Council members with veto power — reminded the Assembly that the veto is an instrument which was designed “by the founding fathers of the UN not to give licence to your friends to kill civilians”. It was created to ensure that Security Council decisions are balanced in their character. “Unfortunately, the United States has not realized this and is using this to encourage the Israeli military machine,” he added.“There is no justification whatsoever”, said China’s delegate on the use of the veto by the United States, “as Gaza has been turned to rubble” and more than 40,000 people have been killed. “The world cannot go back to the rule of the jungle,” he stressed.The representative of the United States, speaking before the resolutions were adopted, said at a time when Hamas is feeling isolated due to the ceasefire in Lebanon, the draft resolution on a ceasefire in Gaza “risks sending a dangerous message” to the group that there is no need to negotiate or release the hostages. As such, it will be “shameful and wrong” for the Assembly to vote today to “vindicate Hamas’ cynical strategy of stalling and obstruction”. The 193-member organ, he continued, should adopt a resolution to increase pressure on Hamas to accept a deal without conditions or further delays rather than relieving it of same. “Israel’s fight is with Hamas, not UNRWA,” he said, calling for humanitarian workers to not be targeted.Call for Unconditional Release of All HostagesOther speakers such as Malaysia’s representative called for the unconditional release of all hostages, citing that hostages being held by Hamas are citizens from various UN Member States, including his own country. He also noted with alarm the escalating violence in the West Bank, where Israeli settlers are “growingly emboldened and have become increasingly violent” in their attacks and harassment of Palestinians.Israeli Officials Deplored for Advocating Annexation of Palestinian Land Speakers further deplored the high-ranking Israeli officials who have publicly advocated for annexation of Palestinian land and stressed the need to hold them accountable. Ireland’s delegate, who introduced resolution “L.32”, said the global community “can and must do better”, adding that international humanitarian law “should guide all of our actions”. Indonesia’s speaker, who introduced text “L.33”, said: “It is time to change the trajectory to save two million children, women and men in Gaza.”Condemnation of Israel’s Invasion of SyriaAmid fast-moving developments in Syria, and echoing the sentiments of several other speakers, Iran’s representative condemned the “aggression and invasion by the Israeli occupying forces against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria”. Israel must be accountable for the destruction of infrastructure and further occupation of the Golan, an act which is in clear violation of internationally agreed-upon instruments.Calls to Stay Focused on Deteriorating Humanitarian Crisis in GazaAs world attention may have shifted on other developments in the region, Member States urged the UN to spotlight the ever-deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, which continues to grow more deadly by the day, the delegate from the United Arab Emirates stressed. It is “shocking that the prices of basic foodstuffs in Gaza have soared by more than 1,000 per cent” since October 2023, he added.“Gaza has become a piece of hell,” emphasized Yemen’s delegate, stressing that the stench of death is everywhere. Israel, the occupying Power, believing it is above the law, has weaponized hunger as a tool of war. Urging all States to put an end to the bloodbath and “take a united position to achieve peace”, he welcomed the International Court of Justice’s advisory opinion on the matter and condemned the ban on UNRWA — the “lifeline of the millions of refugees”.Iceland’s speaker said that her Government has more than doubled humanitarian contributions to the Occupied Palestinian Territory since the conflict began and called for a reconsideration of Israel’s recent legislation on UNRWA. It is “beyond belief” that the Assembly is holding yet another emergency session 14 months into the conflict.Israel’s Speaker Says Resolutions Adopted Are ‘Beyond Logic’In explanation of vote before the vote, Israel’s representative said the resolutions before the Assembly are “beyond logic”, defying all concepts of morality and evidences his delegation has laid before the Assembly for years. A vote for them is not about protecting humanitarian values but shielding an organization now a “haven for terror” and “an entity hopelessly infiltrated by Hamas”.It is a vote for complicity and not compassion, he went on to say, emphasizing that by demanding a ceasefire today without addressing the hostages, the Assembly “will once again side with those who weaponize human suffering”. Holding up a bundle of letters that his Government had written to UNRWA leadership, each a warning of terrorist activities in the Agency and a “clear call to action”, he lamented “that nothing was done”. The Agency did not act as required. “To stand by UNRWA today is to stand by Hamas,” he added, stressing that demanding a ceasefire while ignoring hostages is “to surrender to terror”. “A future for Gaza must be one without Hamas, but it must also be one without UNRWA — without its complicity,” he said.Paraguay’s speaker said that having had its own experiences with armed conflict, it reaffirms that the path towards lasting peace and compliance with humanitarian law requires taking into account all points of view, without which “we will only be postponing a sustainable solution with everyone suffering”. Because “L.33” does not provide a balance, “insisting on condemning only one of the parties”, his delegation cannot support it.The speaker from the Marshall Islands said that the brutal horror of Hamas’ massacre of 7 October must be addressed, and the perpetrators must be brought to justice. That, however, cannot be used to justify the killing of tens of thousands of civilians.NEW – Follow real-time meetings coverage on our LIVE blog.