Recently, a significant change regarding the parking lot near the Ixheimer Kreisel has come to light. Initially, the Zweibrücker Stadtverwaltung announced plans to close the parking area starting next year, citing concerns from their landlord, the Autobahn GmbH, about fire hazards posed by vehicles parked in the vicinity. However, doubts have emerged about the clarity of this situation.
In response to inquiries from Merkur, the Autobahn GmbH expressed surprise at the termination of the rental agreement by the city of Zweibrücken. According to the company, their concerns were only directed at larger vehicles. They stated, "To avoid closing the parking lot to all types of vehicles, we requested that the city take appropriate measures to prevent the parking of trucks, motorhomes, and vehicles exceeding a weight of 3.5 tons, and to remove those vehicles as quickly as possible."
Gründe für die Bedenken der Autobahn GmbH
The Autobahn GmbH elaborated on why large vehicles raise specific concerns. In the event of a fire, standard liability insurance often does not cover the damage to the structure, particularly when vehicles are parked too close to overpass ceilings. If heat buildup occurs due to large vehicles parked near bridge structures, it could lead to a fire, potentially resulting in costly damage that would be covered by the Autobahn GmbH, and ultimately by taxpayers.
Conversely, when it comes to standard passenger cars, there is typically sufficient space between the vehicle's roof and the bridge, meaning there are fewer risks associated with parking. As a result, the Autobahn GmbH only insisted on measures to keep vehicles over 3.5 tons from parking in the area. Despite this, the city opted to terminate the lease, ultimately leading to an all-vehicle closure of the lot.
These developments have sparked discussions about the future of the parking facility and raised questions about communication and planning between the city administration and the Autobahn GmbH. The full article detailing the situation can be found hier.
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