
Neuer Radwegabschnitt verbindet Ybbsstraße und Industriestraße in Persenbeug-Gottsdorf

In Persenbeug-Gottsdorf, a new section of a bike path has recently been officially opened, creating a bike path connection between Ybbsstraße and Industriestraße. This project is part of the connection between the two districts of Gottsdorf and Persenbeug, which are currently only accessible through the heavily trafficked B 3 road or the Hagsdorferstraße in the south. The existing dirt path between Ybbsstraße and Industriestraße, which was in the form of a track road with a overgrown median strip, did not meet the quality requirements for a proper cycling infrastructure.

As a result, the market town of Persenbeug-Gottsdorf, with the support of cycling infrastructure funding from the state of Lower Austria, has decided to construct a new pedestrian and bike path. The path will be asphalted and have a width of three meters, with a 30-centimeter wide shoulder on each side. The new bike path section will provide safe access for cyclists to various recreational facilities such as the natural swimming pond and skate park, as well as schools, kindergarten, and local shops in Gottsdorf and Persenbeug.

The total cost for this approximately 430-meter long section amounts to around 114,000 euros, which will be covered by the state of Lower Austria and the market town of Persenbeug-Gottsdorf. The funding process was facilitated by the NÖ Straßendienst (Lower Austrian Road Service).

Kurze Werbeeinblendung

For more information, please contact Gerhard Fichtinger at the office of the Lower Austrian regional government, NÖ Straßendienst, either by phone at 02742/9005-60141 or by email at

Source: In einem Artikel von zu sehen.

Kurze Werbeeinblendung

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